Book Reviews
"Very great blend of cartoon references and great original characters. Calling it Ready Player One for cartoons would be selling it short."
- A. C. Merkel, Author of Her Name is Murder
"I ... recommend that you read this book as it takes you to a world of good vs evil, heroes vs villains, origin stories combined with present-day adventure, and fathers and children as you ponder if villains ever make good…"
"This book probably has my favorite ending of any book this year."
"As a middle-aged man who still watches cartoons, I loved the concept of this book! As I read and got to know the different characters, I could easily picture myself, sitting on the floor as a kid, eating my Cap’n Crunch and watching these on a Saturday morning."
- Amazon Review

After accidentally killing his foster parents as a child, Jayce believes he is the Earth's only werewolf, living on the streets to hide his monstrous side. Jayce survives a deadly invitation to meet his father, MAX MALICE, and goes to HIDDEN BROOK, the world's only supervillain retirement home.

When Jayce leads his team of supervillain children on a rescue mission for the last of the old school villains who escaped HIDDEN BROOK, THE REJECTS question or ignore his every order. Can he learn how to lead his team, or will his building rage tear them apart for good?